Increasing team productivity in a short amount of time is my specialty, and I was happy to share some tips with Inc. For starters, don’t let cliques form at work—mix up those work groups. Fresh ideas come from fresh groups. Make sure everyone knows the goal, and enjoy those creative juices. Inc. links to my own article on team productivity building, but check out what other experts have to say, too!

For starters, cancel any meetings currently scheduled when there’s nothing new to discuss. Meetings can be big time sucks. There’s no point in gathering the team unless there’s something meaty to talk about. Have too full of a plate? Pick one goal that can feasibly be accomplished in a week and tackle it head on.

Lead by example and lose yourself in a project. Total immersion is the best way to learn a new language, and it’s the best way to get things done. If you really want to up the confidence, schedule a brief out. When there’s a meeting with key players, like investors, on the line, it can give everyone the boost they need to succeed.

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5 Steps to Higher Team Productivity in Just a Week-with John Rampton